Ecological institutions, organisations, coalitions and initiatives

ZAMEK FOR CLIMATE – Zamek Culture Centre in Poznań

Greening practices introduced by CK Zamek in Poznań. 

Ecology Talks

A series of broadcasts as part of the ‘Cultural Practitioners’ programme run by the Culture Zone Wrocław. The programmes are designed to be accessible for those who are just starting their adventure with ecology, and at the same time valuable for people who have been observing climate changes for years.

First Climate Plateau of Contemporary Art

Transcripts of debates exploring the role of culture in counteracting the climate catastrophe. Art institution employees met with scientists, architects and activists and discussed the responsibilities of artists, curators and directors of institutions.

Museums for Climate

An informal initiative which is both a working group for exchanging knowledge and inspiration concerning the greening of cultural institutions as well as a cycle of meetings devoted to discussing the climate challenges which cultural institutions face. The group is open to museum professionals, employees of public cultural institutions and all those interested in this topic. The Manifesto of the group can be found here.

We Are Museums

Museums Facing Extinction
A long-term program designed by EIT Climate-KIC and We Are Museums fostering systemic changes towards a climate-resilient future, good for people and the Planet through community-based actions. The MFE website features, among others, inspirational digital publications.

Postgrowth Toolkit

Broadcasts on the interconnections between postgrowth and culture, devoted to the discussion of the causes, symptoms and challenges of a series of crises: ecological, economic, social and others.

Julie’s Bicycle

A British organisation popularising knowledge about the climate emergency and promoting sustainable development in the field of culture. Its website includes many interesting articles, toolkits, reports, data and guides (website in English).


The MAST network is made up of representatives of various cultural institutions from Manchester, which decided to work together to achieve the city’s zero carbon target. Manchester plans to halve its CO2 emissions by 2025 and become zero carbon by 2038.

Sustainability – Arcola Theatre 

Description of pro-environmental work of the Arcola Theatre in London.

Manchester’s municipal theatre

Manchester’s municipal theatre is an excellent example of how a cultural institution may operate in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Kultura Klima Brno

Cultural institutions and organisations from Brno have set up a ‘coalition for climate’ and call on city authorities to announce a Climate Emergency.

Umeni Pro Klima

Cultural institutions and organisations from Prague in the Czech Republic create a network and announce a Climate Emergency. In their manifesto they state directly that the arts and culture sector is also partly responsible for the condition of the climate. They point out the need to fundamentally change the organisation of institutions.

Culture Declares

An international network of independent practitioners and organisations from the cultural sector declaring a climate and ecological emergency. On the website, you can join the network, find tips for action responding to climate challenges as well as a list of organisations and initiatives with inspiring pro-environmental practices. 

Pedalling power

It is an example of an institution involving the public in its pro-environmental activity. When promoting its theatrical production, the fanSHEN theatre invited its audience members to exercise on special gym machines, which allowed for storage of the energy thus generated. The batteries charged in this way were used to power theatrical performances and the people who exercised received discounts on tickets, the amount of which depended on the amount of energy produced. (text in English) 

Become a Green Traveller

An example of supporting audience practices. Glastonbury Festival introduced vouchers for anyone coming to the festival on public transport or by bike. The voucher makes it possible to receive discounts on meals, access to solar showers and other benefits (text in English).